About STRUT Week

What is STRUT Week?

STRUT week is Newcastle High School's newest charity week. Newcastle High School's student council leadership class wanted to create a philanthropy week to benefit our community, so we came up with the idea of STRUT week.

The acronym STRUT stands for "Students, Teachers, & Racers, United Together " Our goal for STRUT week is to not only benefit our community, but strengthen the bond between our high school and community, and start a long-lasting tradition at Newcastle High School

Who started STRUT Week?

STRUT week was started by Maddie Brasel (Newcastle High School Class Of 2022) and Clare Bebout (Newcastle High School Class Of 2024). Even though Maddie has graduated her and Clare started a tradition at Newcastle High School that will live on for many years to come. Our goal is to pass on the tradition of STRUT Week to the future classes of Newcastle High School to keep the tradition going for many years to come.

STRUT Week History

Year Amount Raised Beneficiary Theme

2024 TBD Individuals - Brandi Lovejoy and Marsha Barry STRUT Around The Board (Board Games)

2023 $24,000     Individual - Nicole Gaither STRUT Into Action

2022 $11,000 Individual - Mr. Kauk STRUT Week Theme